

Digging in the Dirt

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides. 
~W.E. Johns

My boys were digging in the dirt today, well the baby was just eating it but anyways.....
We are working on starting a vegetable garden this year,  a small raised bed that will hopefully house a tasty harvest in a couple months.

Seedlings are in: Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Squash and Peppers.  The abundance of rain fore- casted for the week had us hold off on the seeds, they'd be washed off the second they were in the ground.  But in the works will be: both Winter and Summer Squash, Peas, Green Beans, more Tomatoes, Carrots and of course PUMPKINS for jack-o-lanterns this fall! 

You can't beat the smell of dirt, fresh air and the warmth of a sunny day (especially when it started out as a rainy one).  As we anticipate our garden and its harvest this year, we also anticipate the long, fun, sunny days..... and making memories that will last my boys lifetime.  I can't believe by the end of the summer Cy will be starting his school career in Pre-K, Sage will be 1 year old and most likely walking, and Sean will be going into his third year as a business owner.  Wow, life really does fly by.  Once in a while time needs to stand still so we can sit back and soak it in........take a little while to smell the dirt in the garden.

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