

Parenting Thursday: One of Those Days

We all have those days when nothing seems to go right; it's hard to parent let alone function.  Well I'm on a streak.
  • Last week I had a day filled with bodily fluids/functions, none of which were my own.  2 a.m. Sage peed threw his clothes and mine as I tried to get him back to sleep.  Found out the dog peed in the kids' play tent, set up in the living room filled with blankets, stuffed animals and pillows.  Sage later preceded to poop on the hour every hour, even Cy pooped and insisted Mommy needed to help him wipe.  
  •  Both boys have a new favorite game, who can scream/ screech the loudest.  Needless to say my ear drums max out before they can find out.
  •  Sleepless nights make for long days.  Sage is back at it, he's teething, therefore not sleeping.  Wednesday after being up 3 or 4 times in the night he was wide awake to play, eat and poop at 4:30 a.m..  I finally got him back to sleep 6:50 a.m., ten minutes before I had to get Cy up for school.
  • I went to pay the gas bill, which was late because I was looking at the wrong date, and someone had covered the bill in flower stickers.  I didn't notice until I was there paying the bill.
  • I lost two posts for that I worked on last week to get ahead, open on the desktop but not saved. Lesson learned.
  • No use crying over split milk when you miss your coffee cup and pour it all over the counter. Or burn your knuckles trying to get a hot pan out of the oven before the baby runs in the kitchen.  
So it goes and it all starts to add up but then life throws you a few of these moments and slightly redeems itself:

The boys entertained themselves all afternoon with playfood, bowls and craft pom poms which they made "soup" out of. Mmmm... tastiest soup I've had in a while-- served up with two of the cutest smiles. 

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